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This study is currently active

To see if (Pulmicort) and Albuterol (Pro-air, Ventolin, Xopenex etc.) delivered using a proposed replacement propellant (Liquid compressed gas) is equally effective and safe when compared with BDA delivered using the current approved propellant hydrofluoroalkane in participants with Asthma. Your participation will last approx. 14-15 weeks (Just shy of 4 months) with 5 office visits and 1 phone call. Appts MUST be scheduled between 7:30am- 9:00am due to the breathing tests that are required.

Compensation: $75 for each visit for a total of $575

  • BMI less than 40
  • Mild to moderate asthma disease
  • Diagnosed with Asthma for at least 12 mo

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